Blog — 7th Bristol Scout Group

Christmas Bazaar

Christmas Bazaar

11:30am to 2:30pm
Saturday 17th November
Pavey House Scout HQ


Remembrance Sunday Service

Remembrance Sunday Service

Poppies Grow In Fields Ahead Of Armed Forces Day...CORBRIDGE, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: Wild poppies grow amongst a crop of rapeseed in fields on June 23, 2011 in Corbridge, United Kingdom. The vibrant poppies are the best in years according to locals after a warm Spring and have bloomed in time for Armed Forces Day on Saturday. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Please join us for a family-friendly Remembrance Sunday ceremony

7th Bristol Scouts, Cubs and Beavers will be joining with local Guides, Brownies and Rainbows together with members of the local community and Royal British Legion and for a short ceremony to mark Remembrance Sunday on 11th November.

The service takes place by the War Memorial at the end of Birdcage Walk at the site of the former St. Andrew’s church. A map of the location is below.

We invite everyone to join us from 1:00pm at our Scout HQ, Pavey House on Waterloo Street in Clifton Village where there will be tea, coffee and bacon rolls (served inside). From there everyone will congregate at around 1:40pm to parade down to the War Memorial (~10 minute walk) ready for the ceremony start at

All are very welcome.

Important information for 7th Bristol members:

Please try to make every effort to attend as it’s a really great local event to support and to remember those who gave so much so that we enjoy our lives today.

All members of 7th Bristol (young people, leaders, parents and family) are requested to meet at the Scout HQ, Pavey House, promptly at 1:00pm as we will be taking our annual Group photograph. It is important that your Beavers, Cubs and Scouts attend as this helps document their scouting experience and our history as a Group (one of the oldest – if not the very oldest –in Bristol) and is an interesting snapshot of social history. Have a look at the three photos at the end from the 1940s, 1950s and last year.

Please feel free to invite any friends and family. They are very welcome to join us from 1:00pm at Pavey House and be part of the memorial service.

Please note that this is not a “drop off” event and a parent or guardian will need to attend unless you have made special arrangements with your Leaders.

At approximately 1:40pm we will assemble outside Pavey House and walk in procession with our respective section flags to the War Memorial in plenty of time for the ceremony. The service starts at 2pm and is short – around 20 mins – finished by 2.30pm at the latest.

We will NOT be returning to Pavey House as it is anticipated that you will depart immediately following the service with your children, unless you have made special alternative arrangements with your Leaders.

Please can everyone attend looking smart in full uniform, neatly folded scarf, woggle, dark coloured school type trousers (no jeans) and smart shoes (no trainers). Get your recent badges sewn or glued on! If possible, please wear a poppy too.

Young people who are not yet invested (i.e. no scarf, woggle or badges) should attend wearing their shirts/jumpers.

The ceremony will take place whatever the weather so please come prepared!

Please note: there will be NO PARKING available in the spaces immediately in front of Pavey House due to the Group photo and anticipated number of participants.



Sam sets off to Nepal for Jungle Jamboree 2018

Sam sets off to Nepal for Jungle Jamboree 2018

Former 7th Bristol Scout, Sam Buchan, set off to Nepal yesterday where he will be taking part in the 2018 Jungle Jamboree.

Sam, now a Young Leader with the 7th, is one of around 50 Cabot Scouts to have been selected to take part in this amazing scouting trip.

It isn’t easy to earn a place on this tour as every scout had to convince a selection panel that they would be a suitable candidate. Sam’s been fundraising to pay for his place for months since finding out he had been chosen.

The group fly to Kathmandu today and will be staying in the historic Thamel quarter. From there they’ll be visiting the world heritage sites of BoudhaNath, SwayambhuNath and PashpartiNath, before travelling to Meghauli.

In Meghauli, they will be running the Jungle Jamboree, a camp for the local Scout Groups, visiting health improvement projects and taking part in an elephant safari in the jungle!

After a week in Meghauli they move on the Pokhara – Nepal’s second city and gateway to the massive Annapurna mountain range. From there they will be either taking part in a 3 day white-water canoeing and camping trip, or a high-level trek into the mountains staying in the famous Nepalese Tea Houses along the way.

It’s then back to Kathmandu for a day’s shopping before heading for home.

We all wish Sam a trip of a lifetime and look forward to hearing about his travels on his return.

You can follow all the action on the Cabot Namaste Nepal Facebook Page:


Live Blog – Scouts Summer Camp 2018

Live Blog – Scouts Summer Camp 2018

Six weeks of unbroken sunshine means only one thing: it’s time for Summer Camp and all-change on the weather front!

Follow us on our week-long camp in the Brecon Beacons with our live blog of photos and anecdotes. It might be a not-very-live blog depending on mobile internet signal and whether Carlton can find somewhere dry to update it.

Day 1 – Saturday 28th July

Having travelled through murky weather we arrived at our camping field mid-morning to dry and bright conditions. Camp went up rapidly as we knew the weather was changeable. Not half. Sudden downpours made the job a bit start and stop, but our scouts got to work in their patrols and put up their sleeping and kitchen tents in next to no time. The older scouts (aka adults) spent most of the time drinking tea, hence the rest of the camp wasn’t setup until around 6pm. Good job well done and just in time before the rain set in for the night and the wind battered us. Some of those tents might not be standing come the morning.

Day 2 – Sunday 29th July

Early morning update: Overnight it rained. Then it rained. Then there was more rain. The wind was hurricane-force (or so it felt inside the tent). Some tents didn’t survive the night. This tent, belonging to a scout leader who shall remain unnamed (but I suspect bought it from the Scout Shop, wink wink), won’t live to see another day. Hope he’s alright in there. Do you think we should check? Nah, let’s get a bacon butty first.


Lunchtime update: Sandwiches for lunch followed by some dam building in the stream. Loads of great teamwork by the Scouts (and a visiting Cub) in getting the stones up stream. We made a nice jacuzzi to relax in at the end of the day!


Evening update: The sun came out so we could all enjoy the evening playing a wide game followed by hot chocolate.



Day 3 – Monday 30th July

The weather is being kind to us today. Here are some brilliant aerial photos taken this morning by Dave, a Scout Leader at 1st Filton.

Day 4 – Tuesday 31st July

The much anticipated hike to peaks of Pen y Fan and Corn Du. Spectacular!

This was the 7 mile route they took:

“Let’s take this rock back for the dam lads!”



Day 5 – Wednesday 1st August

We welcomed Steve Popham (Orca) to camp this morning. Just a couple of photos today as our blogger was not back at camp until late evening. More photos will be added after the camp.


A fiercely fought game of rounders enjoyed by all as night fell. 

Day 6 – Thursday 2nd August

Flag break this morning before we begin our ‘It’s a Knockout’ competition.

Day 7 – Friday 3rd August

More aerial photos from our drone photographer Dave. These ones taken at flag break this morning showing Pen y Fan in the background.


This morning it was time to dismantle our dam so we could hold the legendary Raft Race, a Blue Riband event as Silver calls it. Each patrol built a small raft to compete in the race. There was plenty of cheating going on! Winners will be revealed later…


Around midday we walked into Brecon where we enjoyed Fish and Chips for lunch followed by a visit to the Regimental Museum of the Royal Welsh. It was actually quite good (but let’s not admit that to Silver, eh?!). A bit of downtime in Brecon followed where the scouts were doing some ‘interesting’ shopping (!), then ice cream on the way home for everyone. Didn’t get a chance to photograph the scouts with their ice creams as they’d eaten them by the time the leaders got a look in!

Camp awaits our return. You can just make out the flagpole at the end of the lane.

The last few pennies were spent at the final night tuck shop, followed soon after by the closing campfire night. The brilliant and talented Callum from 1st Filton kicked-off the campfire with some amazing magic and card tricks. Then we had loads of singing, witty sketches by the Scouts, Young Leaders and Leaders and plenty of laughter. It’s been a fantastic camp.

Day 8 – Saturday 4th August – Homeward bound

The last day in the Brecons as we enjoy our last breakfast, strike camp and pack everything to return home to Bristol. Not until Carlton has burnt the first round of toast though!

Monopoly Run

Monopoly Run

While our older Scouts participated in the Ten Tors challenge, a team of 6 of our younger Scouts took part in the inaugural Monopoly Run event over the weekend.

The event, organised by Avon County Scouts and Girl Guiding Bristol & South Gloucestershire, saw teams of Scouts and Guides from all over the Bristol area competing for the winner’s shield.

The aim was to score points by taking a photo of the team at as many locations on the Monopoly ‘board’ as possible within a 6 hour limit. All the locations were in and around Bristol, with some more challenging, and with higher points values, than others. There were also some bonus items and questions to answer when you arrived at each location.

You could only travel on foot or by bus.

I accompanied the 7th Bristol team who trekked all over the place trying to get as many points as possible. We made it to Arnos Vale Cemetery but Cribbs Causeway was just a tad too far in the allotted time.

There were some very well-organised (and MUCH older!) groups of Scouts and Guides in the competition so sadly we didn’t win a prize, but our Scouts did really well and their attempts at trying to navigate around Bristol on foot and on bus was a great learning experience for them all. They were amongst the youngest there so well done our boys!

We had to run the last mile because of (my) bus cock-up, so we all had a good workout too. We were greeted with a BBQ and disco at the finish point.

It was a really fantastic event and the Scouts said they would all do it again next year. Bring it on!

Here’s a selection of photos from the day…